Wednesday, June 6, 2007

More Aly & AJ!

Here's the official album cover for Aly & AJ's new album, Insomniatic, wich comes out July 10th! I like the cover.
Click Here to see a bigger version of the cover.
Anyways, I'm adding The Potential Breakup Song(Remix) for you!

The Potential Breakup Song(Remix)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are the aly & aj albums coming out in the uk, i've been searching everywhere all year and i can't find them, its driving me crazy. The only time i can listen to them is when i go on their website and listen to the mp3 player thing and it even play the whole songs!!! I'm such a big fan of there music too!!! So when is the music coming out over in the uk, please soon, i want their albums for my birthday and christmas and the only way we can get them over here is if we order them and thats too much trouble and it takes to long, and it's more expensive!!!